Contests Objectives

Children are the masters of the moment—they love how it feels when they smear paint on paper, how it looks when they sprinkle glitter, and even the soft sound of a brush makes as it crosses the page. Unlike older kids and adults, most toddlers and preschoolers aren’t self-conscious about what they’re doing or focused on creating a finished product. That can be hard for parents to accept. But letting go—and allowing kids to enjoy the process of creation—can reap big rewards. Children will be better off in the long run, if they’re allowed just to be in the moment and express themselves.


FSP Art and Creative Writing Contests kills the candidate’s hesitation to:

Students build their creative confidence to develop ideas and solutions through design thinking, engineering, leadership, and through the expression of artistic and emotional beauty. They develop strong habits of the mind, such as communication, inquiry, analysis, and synthesis, diagnosis, innovation, reasoning, and managing complexity and develop the capacity to set, meet, and hold themselves accountable for meaningful goals on their own.  

Students find real joy when they see their names published in the FSP social media. Besides, FSP social media encourages students to make them recall the joyous and memorable moments that in their learning. The FSP plays an important role to connect them with the outside world, especially students from different curriculum and fields.


Students of Grade 1 to Grade 10th / O-Levels are eligible to participate in the contests. Student can take part in contests. But not more than one submission by a student is acceptable.


Instructions for representative:

How to Enter
Individuals willing to participate in FSP Art and Creative Writing Contests should contact their school administration. The schools may enter by sending their submission to the given postal address. No entry will be acceptable if the Participant’s Submission detail is not accompanied with the submission.
All entries must be received no later than the submission deadline at 11:59:59 PM (Pacific Time). Late entries will be disqualified.

FSP Rules, Regulations and Specifications
  • Art must be created by an individual student.
  • A4 size paper should be used. However, the Art SHOULD NOT exceed 24″ x 18″ size.
  • There is no restriction on the medium used. Participants are free to choose any medium that they feel comfortable with or have access to. They can therefore create their artwork using pencils, coloured pencils, sketch pens, ink pens, crayons, pastels, water colours, acrylic colours, oil colours and any other medium.
  • Participants may submit only ONE entry for Art contest. Additional entries will not be entertained and will be disqualified.
  • The name of the contestant SHOULD appear on the Art. A duly filled Participant Submission Detail must accompany each entry.
  • Participants must refrain from including inappropriate or profane language or content
  • Entries will not be returned.
  • Please make a copy of your entry before submitting it. Participants warrant that they are the sole creator of their piece.
  • All submissions must be in English. All manuscripts may be written by hand or typed on a computer using only white A4-size paper. Each page needs to have a unique number. No work that has already been published may be submitted. The work must be unique. Any words or concepts that are not your own must be properly recognised.
  • The composition, subject handling, and other creative aspects deemed appropriate by the judges will be taken into consideration while judging entries.
  • The name of the contestant SHOULD NOT appear on the manuscript. A duly filled Participant Submission Form must accompany each entry.
  • Any writing under suspicion of plagiarism will be disqualified.
  • Entries will not be returned. Please make a copy of your entry before submitting it.
  • Evaluation Criteria
    Content and Body (maximum 40 points), Sentence Formation (maximum 20 points), Style (maximum 20 points), Creativity (maximum 20 points)
  • Words Limit
    •(Grade 1 & 2): 50-80 words
    •(Grade 3 & 4): 150-200 words
    •(Grade 5 & 6): 230-280 words
    •(Grade 7 & 8):350-400 words
    •(Grade 9 & 10): 500-550 words
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Participant’s Submission Detail
FSP does not accept entries sent directly by students. The Participant’s Submission Detail along with the Registration Form should be submitted by each institution. 

Any entry may be disqualified at the sole discretion of the FSP Management, and this determination may be made without the entrant’s knowledge or consent. The judgement to disqualify is irrevocable, unassailable, and not open to reconsideration.

Any disagreement that may arise in this matter shall be brought to the FSP Management, whose judgement will be final and unappealable

Termination of Contests
In the event of any reason or condition beyond the control of the FSP, the FSP maintains the right to modify, cancel, terminate, or suspend the Contests in whole or in part.

When you submit an entry, you authorise its publication on the website and attest to its originality. The participant retains ownership of the artwork they submit to FSP. However, the student grants FSP permission to publish any submission—regardless of publication format—on its website or in any other FSP publication.

Vibrant Youngsters (Grade 1 & 2)
Vibrant Youngsters (Grade 3 & 4)
Vibrant Youngsters (Grade 5 & 6)
Vibrant Youngsters (Grade 7 & 8)
Vibrant Youngsters (Grade 9 & 10 / O-Levels)

 Instructions for representative:

  • Be sure to use a valid and current email address so that we can use it to contact you at any point before, during and after the contests, if necessary.
  • The contests will be organized in the respective school premises of the participants as per the schedule.
  • Minimum Participation of 10 students from a participating institution is MUST. There is no maximum limit; institutions can register as many students from a class as they wish.
  • The last date of submitting registration form is December 12, 2023.
  • Thereafter no registration will be accepted.
  • Contests / Entries Submission Deadline January 18, 2024.
  • The participation fee Rs. Rs. 1000 per contest from each student, which can be paid through Bank Draft/Pay Order, drawn in favor of FSP VIBRANT YOUNGSTERS there is no registration fee for institution.
  • Announcement of result February 19, 2024.


  • The fee can also be directly transferred to our

  • A/C No.: 0203900271540001
  • IBAN: PK72BKIP0203900271540001
  • Bank Name: BANK ISLAMI
  • Branch: LAHORE

  • Registration will be confirmed after receiving fee and the fee once paid is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • You may print filled registration form and sent us along with original Bank Draft/Pay Order at the following address:


12 Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore.

042-7123334, 0336-4809808

For any further assistance, you can contact Vibrant Youngster office by e-mail at , cell: +92-336-4809808, +92-304-1404004, +92-336-7123334, phone: +92-42-37123334