Ms. Ayisha Salman
How to Develop a Lifelong Love for Reading “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The ...

Ms. Saira Batool
Why I love Pakistan Why I love Pakistan. This question whispered in my heart last week, as I remembered my ...

Mr. Ghaznfar Ali Solangi
For Students As mentioned 2,000 years ago, the famous Greek philosopher Plato opened the academy in Athens, where he began ...

IQRA: READ! The word of first revelation sent by Almighty Allah on His beloved Prophet (PBUH) was none other than ...

Mrs. Fozia Umer
Education is preparing child to face everyday life I am very excited to serve as principal in G.S.S M.F Campus, ...

Mrs. Amna Altaf
BOOKS READINGS Knowledge knows no bounds. Even if we follow knowledge like a sinking star, we cannot exhaust it. Reading ...

Ms. Riffat Masood
12 Things To Always Remember The past can’t be changed.Opinions don’t define your reality.Everyone’s journey is different.Judgments are not about ...

Ms. Fatima Syed Reyaz Uddin
“He that loves reading has everything within his reach.” –William Godwin “Children are great imitators. So give them something great ...

Ms. Ayesha Faysal Dewan
PROMOTING READING HABITS AMONG TEENAGERS Reading ardor is recognized as one of the predictors for academic achievement and as motivators ...

READING HABIT Books are one of the best sources of knowledge and information. A good book always plays a very ...

Sqn Ldr (R) Wajid Ali
To Read Or Not To Read (that is the question?) “Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above ...

Air Cdre Matloob Bokhari SI (M) Retd
MAKING EDUCATION MEANINGFUL Our system of education derives its origin to Macaulay who simply wanted to produce bureaucrats and clerks ...

Ms. Shamaila Saleem
Valued educators and parents, Success looks different now than it did in the past. High-achieving institutions, around the globe, increasingly ...

Ms. Um – I – Laila
There is a famous saying that we become what we read, so the best habit we can inculcate in one ...

Mr. Atif Ameer (ASP)
Fierce competition is one of the major characteristics of current post – modern society. In order to ensure survival in ...

Mr. Rab Nawaz Chadhar (Gold Medallist)
Study is the essential for information, information is essential for knowledge, knowledge is essential for wisdom and wisdom is the ...